
Tuesday, April 30, 2019

Free choice


On Thursday we did some art, my home base did some bunny art first, it was a picture of a rabbit head with lined sections and you had to decorate them individually. Honestly I didn't really like it that much as it hurt my wrist.

second we did cartoon art. I liked this more because we could draw things we wanted and they ended pretty well. I made Cinderella

third we did pixel art on our chrome books. I enjoyed this because I like using my chrome book.
I made an emoji.

For the last one we where doing Manga art / anime drawing.
We watched a video on our chrome books and I made a baby in a panda suit.

Over all I didn't really enjoy all of it.

Do you like art?.

School values

Hey everyone its your 89th favourite blogger and today I will be telling you about our school values.

in our school we have values, we try to follow those values, they are: respect, compassion, integrity and service.

When we think of respect, what do we think of? I personally think that respect can come from anywhere. you can be respectful by holding open a door or thanking someone who did,  saying please and thank you is also a way of showing respect.

Compassion is like taking a step up from realising someones problem and then taking another step into felling bad about their problem and then another step up to helping them with their problem and feeling bad for them.

having Integrity is always being honest and not showing off about what you have and always trying to do the right thing.

Service is like doing something for someone that couldn't do it themselves, like doing the lawn for someone like and old lady in a wheel chair.

Do you show these values in your everyday life?

Week 10


For our PBL this term (DIGI AWARDS) we had to make an invitation to our parents telling them when it was. I spent a while making mine here it is
my mum came and I had an alright time but I found it a bit embarrassing.
how would you have made yours?