
Friday, June 23, 2017

Imaginary girlfriend

Hi this is a story I've been working on lately, I hope you enjoy it.

“Hey Josh wait up” called my best friend Trent as he came rocketing down the sidewalk.
“Hey” I answered back as came to my side. “What’s up with your arm?” he asked
“what do you mean”? I Said “it’s just my girlfriend and don’t be rude to her just because you think I’m joking… because I’m not”.
“Well first of all I don’t see any girl or friend and second of all what’s her name”? he asked.
“Gertrude Nickelsauce” I argued.
“What colour is her hair”?
“Blond” I answered.“What species is she”? He asked again “DUCK”!!! I shouted to him
“she… doesn't exist does she”?.
“No” I replied and started weeping on the sidewalk

Friday, June 2, 2017

My teddy bear

Welcome back everyone to my blog were I scheme evil things... Wait What this things actually on!!!... You heard nothing. OK anyway here is a story about why a teddy bear is special to my family.

The teddy bear I’m talking about is special to my family because it was my father's first teddy bear and his father gave it to him and he died of lung cancer before I was born so that's why it’s special to us.