Hi this is a story I've been working on lately, I hope you enjoy it.
“Hey Josh wait up” called my best friend Trent as he came rocketing down the sidewalk.
“Hey” I answered back as came to my side. “What’s up with your arm?” he asked
“what do you mean”? I Said “it’s just my girlfriend and don’t be rude to her just because you think I’m joking… because I’m not”.
“Well first of all I don’t see any girl or friend and second of all what’s her name”? he asked.
“Gertrude Nickelsauce” I argued.
“What colour is her hair”?
“Blond” I answered.“What species is she”? He asked again “DUCK”!!! I shouted to him
“she… doesn't exist does she”?.
“No” I replied and started weeping on the sidewalk